Today, photography, video, and graphics, linked by computers, have expanded the artist’s potential for self-expression by allowing him/her to quickly generate multiple ideas, create solutions and mix varied media. This new ability to digitally combine drawing, text, sound, and movement engage our senses, thus making the medium produced interactive. Tv storyboard has the ability to combine the modern art and traditional.
There are several digital software programmes that help artists to produce artistic images with text, sound and animation via the computer. These Software programmes have been developed with more intuitive and standardised menus, commands, and icons. Examples include Draw Programmes, Paint Programmes, Animation Software, 3-D Modelling and Rendering Programmes like AutoCAD, Rhino 3-D, Page Layout Software, Multimedia Presentation Software and the like.
Post Modern art especially the digital art media has impacted greatly on the arts that we do today. It has improved the arts in various ways. Some of the ways are discussed below.
i. Creativity and originality- The Post Modern art has heightened the development of creativity and originality since individual artists broke away from existing styles and techniques. The group of artists in each of the art movements had their own distinctive style in the arts.
ii. Effective designing- Artists today make use of the computer in the designing of products. This has ensured effective designing of products because the computer and the other digital media produce better designs unlike the traditional methods of production.
iii. Precision, neatness and finishing- One feature of the Post-Modern arts is the precision and accurateness of the designs produced. The finished works produced from especially the digital media are very neat and attractive.
iv. Multiple Reproduction- The traditional methods of production are slow and produce few copies of products. However, the digital media of production are able to produce greater quantities of the same product with great accuracy and precision at a relatively faster pace.
v. The cost of production- Production of items using the traditional method of production is very expensive compared to the production of the same products using the digital media. The use of the computer and other forms of digital media for artistic productions is relatively cheaper and affordable to clients. Learn the other forms of digital media for productions.
vi. Meeting deadlines- Artists who produce items with the hand and other handmade tools and equipment find it very difficult to meet deadlines for artistic productions. The situation sometimes gets out of hand when the artist receives huge contracts that require the production of mass quantities of a particular item. The digital art media speeds up production of items and help artists to successfully meet deadlines for products.
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